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Everybody’s Doing It

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Yes, they are. I swear to you, and I can even back my words, if you push me hard enough for linkographic evidence. I think that’s the reason I haven’t done it until now. See, I have this thing: If everybody’s doing it, than I don’t. Or I do, but much much later, when it’s no longer and issue to be done by everyone. I even joined Facebook only when it became a boring, mundane thing, where you friend your parents and your in-laws (hey, G!) and really have to keep your language.

The only reason I’m doing it at all is because of all the wonderful blogging material that is going to waste by not doing it. Shin said she didn’t think I’d like it, because I’m such a private cat and don’t like to be told stuff or asked questions, and it’s sort of true, but on the other hand, I WRITE A BLOG. I mean, I guess I’m only private for a given value of “private”.

This is also a sort of a reason why I haven’t written all that often in the past few months. It’s hard to post about stuff when there’s this big lump of thing stuck in your brain with the title “not to use on the blog”. It kind of darkens the path to writinghood, sort of thing.

So, here goes.

What? What is it that everybody’s doing but me, I hear you ask? Oh, right. The thing everybody’s doing is tell the world about important personal stuff. Specifically, this:

Junior is about to become a big brother, and this time I’m not talking about getting a new cat. It’s the other kind, where you get good skin, excellent nails, and lush, supple hair, on your head as well as on the rest of your body. Yep, I’m it. Pregnant. There, the secret is told to the world of internets.

And I forgot all the funny bits I had to say about that.

About Sophie

Mother, maker, blogger, baker, crafter, adapter, improviser, writer

3 responses »

  1. B’shaah tova! You should have plenty of time to fill in (more of) the funny stuff πŸ™‚

  2. Congratulations!! Pregnancy should be for some great blogging material πŸ™‚

  3. ugh, that should be “pregnancy should be great for blogging material”. Or something like that.


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